HRFA Fishing Contest


2013-2021 Contest Chairmen:

Aram Setian
Scott Havner

The HRFA hosts an annual fishing contest which runs from January through December and is open to all HRFA members. Various divisions are available for prizes You have 30 days from the day you catch a fish to send in your entries. As a member of the HRFA you and your immediate family are eligible to enter fish in any of our categories.

Do you have a catch to register? Please scroll to the bottom of the page to complete the form on the bottom of this page.

2021 Leader Board

Salt Water Species

Striped Bass Released Caught From Boat (Catch & Release) in Inches Joe Marchese 50"

Heather Baez 39.8″

Striped Bass Released Caught From Shoreline (Catch & Release) in Inches: Sandy Federico 40"

Carl Hartmann 34″
John Francesconi  32″
Carl Hartmann   31.25″
John Francesconi  31″
Carl Hartmann   31″
John Francesconi  30″
John Francesconi  29″
Carl Hartmann   28″
John Francesconi  26″
John Francesconi  25″
Butch Pawson 25″
John Francesconi  24″
John Francesconi  23″
Carl Hartmann   22″
John Francesconi  21″
John Francesconi  21″
Butch Pawson  21″

Striped Bass Kept Caught From Boat ( Kept ) in LBS Aram Setian 26 Lbs.
Striped Bass Kept Caught From Shoreline ( Kept ) in Lbs. Carl Hartmann 18 Lbs.
Butch Pawson 9 Lbs. 

Bluefish: Mona Mak 11Lbs.

Charlie Spindelman 5 Lbs. 4 oz.
Alex Spindelman 3 Lbs. 12 oz.

Blackfish: Bill Fish 10 Lbs. 12 oz.

Nothing to report at this time

Scup (Porgy): Alex Spindelman 1. Lb. 12 oz.


Fluke: Butch Pawson: 4 Lbs. 14oz.

Charlie Spindelman: 4 Lbs.

Peter Musse 3 Lbs. 6.4 oz.


Nothing to report at this time.

Black Sea Bass: Charlie Spindelman 1 Lbs. 8 oz.
Open Category Salt Water Species : Joe Marchese, Halibut 105 Lbs

Carl Hartman Black Sea Ray 45″ (across)
Northern Kingfish  Carl Hartman 1 Lb. 8oz.

2021 Leader Board

Fresh Water Species

Catfish: Bill Greene 5 Lbs. 13 oz.

Bill Greene  4 Lbs. 13 oz.
Alex Spindelman 4.4 Lbs.
Carl Hatmann   3.8 Lbs.
Bill Greene  3 Lbs. 1 oz.

Trout (local): Christian Hoops 3 Lbs.

Nothing to report at this time

Smallmouth Bass: Scott Havner 4Lbs. 15 oz.

Aram Setian 4 Lbs. 14 oz.
Marvin Oresky  3 Lbs. 7oz.

Salmon: Heather Baez 33Lbs.

Boris Maltsev :22 Lbs. 8 oz.
Todd Schmitt 18 Lbs. 8 oz.

HRFA Fishing Contest: Youth Angler Striped Bass Kept From Shoreline Noah Sardinas 25"

Bluefish Noah Sardinas 28″,  6 Lbs. 8 oz.
Chain Pickerl
  Tyler Lloyd 15″

Carp: Bill Greene 13 Lbs.

Bill Greene 11 Lbs.  7oz.

Trout Great Lakes: Boris Matsev18 Lbs. 8 oz.

Aram Setian 10.0Lbs
Scott Havner 9 Lbs. 6 oz.

Largemouth Bass: Aram Setian 5.0 Lbs.
Open Category Freshwater Species: Bowfin Scott Havner 7Lbs 8 oz.


Special Rules for Striped Bass

1. We have 4 Categories for Striped Bass

2. Released, Kept and Boat or Shoreline.

3. If released, your Striped Bass needs to be recorded in inches.

4. If you keep your fish it needs to be recorded in Pounds and Ounces.

5. And finally we need to know if you caught your fish from a boat or the shoreline?

6. Newly added ANY FRESHWATER and ANY SALTWATER Category.

Oh Yeah…we never use any of the information you provide for anything but this contest.

It is never sold or given out to anyone.

Youth anglers are under the age of 17.

Don’t forget to give us their age on the form.