HRFA Fishing Contest


2025 Contest Chairmen:

Alex Spindelman and Scott Havner

The HRFA hosts an annual fishing contest which runs from January through December and is open to all HRFA members. Various divisions are available for prizes. You have 30 days from the day you catch a fish to send in your entries. As a member of the HRFA you and your immediate family are eligible to enter fish in any of our categories.

Do you have a catch to register? Please scroll to the bottom of the page to complete the form on the bottom of this page.

Entry form for, mailing, e-mailing or handing in at HRFA General meeting click on Download Entry Form  



  • From now on, our “member’s only” Annual Fishing Contest is strictly “catch and release” for striped bass! It’s certainly okay to keep a legal striper for the table but we will no longer be accepting entries for stripers that are not measured in inches and released from either boat or shore.
  • We have eliminated the Saltwater and Freshwater Open Categories
  • We are happy to introduce a new Fly Rod Category for several Saltwater & Freshwater Species!
    • Saltwater: Striped Bass, Bonito/False Albacore, Bluefish & Fluke
    • Freshwater: Trout, Smallmouth, Largemouth, Salmon & Carp

2025 Leader Board

Saltwater Species

Striped Bass - Caught & Released from Boat (inches):
Striped Bass - Caught & Released from Shoreline (inches): Carl Hartmann 37.25"
Bonito/False Albacore (inches):
Black Sea Bass (inches):

Bluefish (inches):
Blackfish (inches):
Scup(Porgy) (inches):
Fluke (inches):
Flounder (inches):

Freshwater Species

Catfish (inches):
Trout - Local (inches):
Smallmouth Bass (inches):
Salmon (inches):
Largemouth Bass (inches):
Carp (inches):
Trout - Great Lakes (inches):
HRFA Fishing Contest: Youth Angler (inches):

Saltwater Species

Striped Bass FLY ROD - Caught & Released from Boat (inches):
Striped Bass FLY ROD - Caught & Released from Shoreline (inches):
Bonito/False Albacore FLY ROD (inches):
Fluke FLY ROD (inches):
Bluefish FLY ROD (inches):

Freshwater Species

Salmon FLY ROD (inches):
Trout - Local FLY ROD (inches): Scott Havner 12.25"

Scott Havner 11″

Smallmouth Bass FLY ROD (inches):
Largemouth Bass FLY ROD (inches):
Carp FLY ROD (inches):


Special Rules for Striped Bass

1. We now have 4 Catch & Release Categoriesfor Striped Bass. Reported in inches.

2. We have eliminated the “Kept from shore and boat” categories.

3. If released, your Striped Bass needs to be recorded in inches.

4. You must report if you caught and released your striped bass entry from a boat or shoreline and if caught by fly rod.

Oh Yeah…we never use any of the information you provide for anything but this contest.

It is never sold or given out to anyone.

Youth anglers are under the age of 17.

Don’t forget to give us their age on the form.