Saturday August 17, 2024
Starts 12:01am & Ends 3:00pm
Annual Catfish Chaos Derby
$500 First Place
$250 Second Place
$125 Third Place
Kids’ Prizes to 3rd Place
(Youth Under 16-years old)
Rod & Reel Combos, fishing gear, etc.
Additional prizes awarded at each
weigh station the day of the Derby.
1. Fishing in the Hudson River and tributaries only.
2. Event will be held rain or shine.
3. Only channel catfish, white catfish, and bullheads will be counted.
4. Fish can only be caught using a rod and reel.
5. Fish will be checked-in by length.
6. Fishing from shore and boat allowed.
7. Fish must be alive at check-in. The HRFA promotes catch and release therefore dead fish count at half the length.
8. One entry per angler. Largest fish checked-in counts.
9. Fishing starts at 12:01AM and ends at 3:00PM. You must be at weigh station by 3:15PM.
10. Ties are determined by time of catch. Early fish wins.
11. Check-in starts at 8:00AM. Fish caught prior to 8:00AM send photo of fish to
551-265-3460 for time stamp of catch. You must still check fish in to count.
12. Registration ends at 8:00PM Friday August 18th .
13. Prize structure is subject to change.
14. All New York and New Jersey rules and regulations apply depending on state fished.
15. The Hudson River Fishermen’s Association and all sponsors are released from any and all claims, demands, or causes of action arising out of or resulting from any participation in this derby.
16. All decisions of the derby committee are final.